Tuesday, May 31
Old ladies, eh.
How come you're all in bed by ten? Or not on the computer, anyway. Com'on. Even my family is still up. And when I have tomorrow off, too.
Edit: I never cared too much for love. It was all a bunch of mush that I just did not want. -pink. Catchy song that.
Most girlsEdit: I don't like Destiny's Child. Their music kinda sucks. Especially Beyonce solo. But their song independant woman, yeah, that scores points.
edit: Cause I'm not most girls -pink. I'm just going to have to keep editing this since there's no one to swap comments with.
Edit: Yesterday I lay on my roof and got a spectacular view of the thunderstorm. Man, I love thunderstroms. With all that lightening. And the deep thunder rolling and powerful across the sky. Most the time it was just sprinkling lightly. Which tickled as it bit through my tank-top. I stayed there for quite a while. Until the real torrential rain began to fall. Then I climbed down and closed my windows, put on a sweater, and settled down with a book. Yup, gotta love thunderstorms.
Edit:Heh. Except my farm had hay down.
Edit: Sorry. I just remember that I don't usually like it when people post song lyrics. I generally scan them, at best. I'm against blogs with too many lyrics, too many book reviews, to much, "Haa, lol, yup,". Then again, I only posted a couple lines. I suppose if I'm going to break my own rules of thumb I may as well make it for a truly good song, eh? If anyone actually knows the song (which I suspect you don't) she only wants real love, not just a guy for his money and mercedes. But you don't know that.
A note to simple plan. Why should it happen to anybody else?
Clearly I need to find another train of thought beyond the radio.
Edit: Another thought for Simple plan. Not that it's not a good song, mind you. It is one of your better singles. Although "perfect" still takes the cake. I just didn't want to hear you moaning about it. Although I suppose maybe that's how you felt about it. Whatever. K, this is the last edit about music. Or is it about music?
Edit: Remember that mid-life crisis kit I made my Mom? Tyler wanted to put the pink streaks in his hair today. I wasn't here. I think we'll both do it tomorrow. That's be fun. I'll shower first though. At current my hair is actually back to nearly an inch long and it's greasy enough that I can make it stick straight on end. Great blast! Who thinks Tyler should let me try give him dreadlocks? You're only a nine year old boy once. And then only half of us get to be that. I, for example, never have been and never shall be. Maybe I should get myself dreadlocks. I wonder if you could grow them out, or if I would have to shave me head? That's one thing I wouldn't do, shave my head. Unless, maybe a friend had cancer, or something.
Edit: Is this the longest canucka post yet, or what? Shame that it's so pointless. Somebody beat me, and make it worthwhile. I should be wasting all this writing time on e-mails...
Posted by Kris @
11:13:00 PM
elly, i have an idea. lets do all those awesome quizes like we're other people - our moms, dads, friends, siblings..........
Posted by Cor @
7:20:00 PM
Monday, May 30
Wedded Bliss?
Hey, you get your own
car anyway...
Posted by elly @
3:44:00 PM
Friday, May 27
...hasn't that package reached you yet? whatever can be keeping it?
Posted by elly @
2:49:00 PM
Thursday, May 26
Sorry guys!!
I'll quit now. Truly I will. This is the last one!! For this week, anyway...
Your Extroversion Profile: |
Activity Level: Very High |
Assertiveness: Very High |
Sociability: Very High |
Excitement Seeking: Medium |
Cheerfulness: Low |
Friendliness: Very Low |
Posted by elly @
11:45:00 AM
Wednesday, May 25
More Quizzes!
The most amusing part of that one is the anarchism...
| You scored as Kyrgyzstan. No one knows who you are or where you come from. There’s a very real possibility you might be a communist, although it might also just be that you’re misunderstood. Congratulations, you win the wo\man of mystery prize.
Kyrgyzstan | | 65% | Canada | | 60% | France | | 50% | United States | | 40% | Great Britain | | 10% |
What country are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
boing. go me!
Posted by elly @
10:56:00 AM
Tuesday, May 24
I've discovered the secret to your over-ly high site meter. Every time I hit refresh, it goes up by 2 hits.
oh, and do this if you feel like it...
| You scored as Fundamentalist. Fundamentalism represents a movement in opposition to Modernism, stressing the highest importance on foundational religious tradition. Science has brought on corruption of society. God is real and is watching. Scripture leaves little room for interpretation; man is God’s creation. About a quarter of the population in the U.S. is classified as Fundamentalist.
Fundamentalist | | 94% | Romanticist | | 75% | Cultural Creative | | 69% | Postmodernist | | 44% | Existentialist | | 13% | Materialist | | 6% | Modernist | | 0% | Idealist | | 0% |
What is Your World View? (corrected...again) created with QuizFarm.com |
Posted by elly @
2:12:00 PM
oh, and by the way....
... you guys are infuriating. post all weekend when i'm not on, then disappear today....
hmph.elly's indignancies end here.
Posted by elly @
1:49:00 PM
here's what i figure...
Eventually, in the various courses of our various existences, we will become too busy to spend a lot of time online. We shall procure such things as have been called "lives". We will have significant others, bratty little ones, pets, homes, cars, and other such things. Or we may be dead. In which case, we couldn't get online either. Therefore, we shall pursue this online thing with gusto while we can!
that, Kris? Works for me...
Posted by elly @
10:09:00 AM
Sunday, May 22
Here's what I figure. Maybe Cor will move in with me. Maybe essy and (more particulatily) elly will go to bibleschool. Maybe all (both) of you will have far less time for the internet. Or less time, on one part, less access, on the other. And then maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to keep up with you.
Don't mind me. I need sleep.
Posted by Kris @
10:30:00 PM
No title today, I say!
This is exactly what I told it:
"red panties with snowflakes and penguins, and a purple bra with racing stripes!"
You areWhat Rejected Crayon Are You?Not much more relaxing than coming up with pointless blog posts and listening to Jars of Clay. Oh happy day! Guess I should go find some supper, maybe?
Posted by Seanna @
7:11:00 PM
Saturday, May 21
i was just realizing how long it'd been since i posted a post on here. a whole, like, couple days, dude! so i'm posting. how lame is that? oh well. this house is full of yummy things to eat tempting me constantly. so i give in. it's great. oh, and guess what i want to make for supper? i found this recipee for easy apple pudding. it looks really rich and yummy. so i'm gonna try it. wish me luck!
oh, and happy long weekend!
Posted by Cor @
3:55:00 PM
My weblog owns 31.25 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?
Posted by elly @
11:29:00 AM
What ho, brethren!
I'd say sistern, but that doesn't sound real good. Besides, as we've already established, we all write like guys anyway.
Do tell me you're having an interesting Saturday. I'm at work wondering if it will rain. It looks like it will. If it does, I can go home early. The downside being, of course, that I won't make as much money...
Posted by elly @
8:41:00 AM
Thursday, May 19
well, crap it all...
the government survives. i get grumpy. i'm home alone tonight, and i'm going to go and do something crazy. i do mean crazy.
or go and get drunk. drunk, i say.
on tea, of course.
Posted by elly @
4:25:00 PM
For anyone who cares, see
here.I'm personally, like, on the edge of my seat.
Posted by elly @
1:44:00 PM
The Colonists are Crazy!
I think I'll watch the vote, live this afternoon...
FYI ell... I saw Fred S. (Heather's hubby) on T.V. He's now the Chaplain of the R.C.M.P. Go figure.... Guess he gets to meet the queen. Whee.
Posted by Seanna @
12:51:00 PM
Photos of Stephen and Liz's wedding are now available
Posted by elly @
9:37:00 AM
Wednesday, May 18
let's see. It's raining, soggy, and wet. The news makes me grumpy. Wet and grumpy about describes today. It's so slow, I'm terribly bored, and reading about politics just makes me mad today.
How was your voting experience, Kris? What was your take on that referendum issue, which I don't completely understand, but know it has something to do with changing the electoral system?
Posted by elly @
11:25:00 AM
Tuesday, May 17
Windows radio keeps playing ads for e-harmony. Where you can get a free profile and meet free people. And then it has sappy couples extoling the virtues of internet dating. I want to puke. But I'm enjoying the music too much to turn it off.
Posted by Kris @
7:24:00 PM
Oh thank you!
Thank you dear, for thinking of nutrition. 100% of my recommended Vit C intake! Wow!
Which one should I eat next? I think Wabbit, since he's alrady missing two ears.
And elly. Guess who just called.
NBI! They said they'd call back. I suspect you're accepted, maybe?
Posted by Seanna @
4:56:00 PM
what the......??????????????
knew i didn't like
her. stupid, stupid woman.
Posted by elly @
11:16:00 AM
we got your package, corrianne. it made us giddy. expect to receive in kind.
Posted by elly @
10:31:00 AM
Monday, May 16
hey corrianne..............
we should try
this, eh?
Posted by elly @
5:15:00 PM
yo elly!
do you ever get the feeling that you and i, as the oldest of us 4, should consider trying to act
more mature than the others, rather than less?
no! heresy! i forbid it! down with age and acting responsibly! up with saying way too many stupid things on the internet!
Posted by Cor @
5:14:00 PM
Saturday, May 14
For Corr.
My reminder.
Posted by Seanna @
8:41:00 PM
Thursday, May 12
come on, kristen
we haven't had a cherry tomboy post in almost a week! what strange things have you done at work lately?
Posted by elly @
7:10:00 PM
Wednesday, May 11
this bee the spel evrything rong and bad gramer post.
in a few minuts mels piking me and kids up and taking us to this grate sail were she works, were we get to use her 50 % of card two. i wil try to remember gleaners kris and how much beter are all sales there.
please reply in kind.
Posted by Cor @
1:30:00 PM
Tuesday, May 10
Oh, Canada,
I stand and mourn for thee.
Friend to our north
Seized by Liberal decree
The revolution must begin
it must begin tonight
The Libranos are so wrong
It's time to set it right
Oh, Canada,
craving to be free
Oh, Canada
I stand and mourn for thee.
Oh, Canada
I stand and mourn for thee.
found this on an american conservative blog during my ramblings this afternoon...
Posted by elly @
7:08:00 PM
Monday, May 9
looky, looky
hey cor! remember
Posted by elly @
7:05:00 PM
...i had a whole day off! hurrah! now it's back to the grind for another week. oh how the fun never, never ends.
Posted by elly @
10:56:00 AM
Saturday, May 7
You have no idea how tempted I am to vote for the Liberals in the upcoming election. So Gordon can get arrested in the States for drunk driving again.
But, no. I'm not being sarcastic. I wouldn't vote for them federally. But I'm thinking about it for this time around. Does anybody care to talk me out of it?
I just don't think I'll vote. Period.
I believe in young people voting. And it would be hard to preach that if I don't live it myself (I've been lecturing my kid sis). But, really. I don't like any of the options. And I'm not even registered yet.
But really, the NDP? I really think I'd rather have the Liberals at least keeping our deficit somewhere that doesn't make my breathing laboured. If that means larger class sizes. Or less doctors on call. That just the way it has to be.
Posted by Kris @
10:33:00 PM
*chants* i got kristen a birthday present! i got kristen a birthday present! it's awesome. or aweful, depending how you look at it. i got it from the doller store. actually half of it is sort of mine. don't worry kris, it's not what i was talking about before. that's coming sooner. next week, if i get it in the mail. it's all packaged up and waiting.
Posted by Cor @
3:14:00 PM
Friday, May 6
The problem with being on the computer late is that there's nobody countering your comments within ten minutes. Or two hours.
Posted by Kris @
10:58:00 PM
.....it's stressful around here right now. please pray i don't screw anything else up today.
Posted by elly @
4:29:00 PM
rooftops and grasslands
wave after wave
on they roll
a multitude of colours
yet all the same
out of sight into the endless landscape of
the praires
beautiful - maybe
if one likes that sort of thing
or if like elly and essy you were
brought up amongest the endless grass
or if like nigel you were begotten in the city
miles of housetops
out your bedroom window
boring - certainly
to one born and raised
among hills and mointains
trees and waterfalls
alpine meadows and
mountain lakes
stiff climbs
huckleberries hidden away
narrow loggings roads
used as
long sledding hills
for those with a truck to take them back up
it's homesick i am for the mountains
stuck here in the brown city
far away from orchards
and freezing spring runnoff
and yet i could learn to love this land
if i was away from the houses
the wind in my face
the endless horizens
three weather systems visable at once
the colours that look the same
suddenly jumping out to declare
their differances
sunrises and sunsets stretched from sky to sky
the donkeys pumping oil
elevators marking half forgotten towns
yes, i could learn to love it here
if i was away from these dang
Posted by Cor @
2:22:00 PM
Oh Cor, where art thou?
This site thinks that
this post of yours was written by a male.
Words: 757
Female Score: 1150
Male Score: 1675
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!
Posted by elly @
12:27:00 PM
i succumbed to temptation
try it! pleeeeeez?
Your Inner European is Irish! |
Sprited and boisterous!
You drink everyone under the table. |
would make sense...
edit- oh heck,
here's another. i did it thrice, and ended up as clinton, hitler, and gandhi. uh-huh.
Posted by elly @
11:14:00 AM
Thursday, May 5
Like, elly, and, like, everyone. Like, don't like, have too much, like, fun like, without me like.
Later later.
Did you make any sense of that?
Posted by Seanna @
2:09:00 PM
i can't help it!
Here's another one!
Posted by elly @
11:07:00 AM
guess, guess, guess, just guess what song just came on the radio....
it's so sweet i'm getting a toothache just listening to it. i do hate oldies radio.
Posted by elly @
10:46:00 AM
Wednesday, May 4
Forgive me your link on my blog. It's new. And at first I typed in theknitwit. I now realize it's theeknitwit. But it's not changing. So maybe it just needs time. So for now you have a different blog. *G*. And it's funny.
But yeah, I liked being able to jump from all your guys' blogs to whichever one of us I wanted to view. So I'm adding them to mine.
Edit: K. It's all better now. And I figured out how to add titles. So you've got 'em. But they're random. And I'll probably change them all the time.
Speaking of which. Cor, I'm trying to figure out what "8 hours and counting" means one yours...?
Posted by Kris @
11:42:00 PM
more news from the "weirdly gross animal stories" category can be found
here.don't ask me why i read all this stuff. i really don't know.
Posted by elly @
11:52:00 AM
Tuesday, May 3
the image hosting on hsconnexion seems to be down this morning. none of the graphics are showing up on any of our blogs.
Posted by elly @
10:07:00 AM